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whereJsonContains Laravel 5.6 not working?

$rosters = EventRosters::where('event_id', $event_id)
    ->whereJsonContains('players', $user_id)

The eloquent query above seems to only work when there is a single item in the 'players' json array.

The data stored in the database looks as follows: [1] vs ["1","2"]

Is there a reason the whereJsonContains is only working when it sees [1] in the db but not when it sees ["1","2"] ?

I am pretty new to Laravel and have been struggling with this one a bit.

The data types have to match:

// [1, 2]
->whereJsonContains('players', 1)   // Works.
->whereJsonContains('players', '1') // Doesn't work.

// ["1", "2"]
->whereJsonContains('players', '1') // Works.
->whereJsonContains('players', 1)   // Doesn't work.

The documentation is kinda straight forward


$rosters = EventRosters::where('event_id', $event_id)
    ->whereJsonContains(['players', [1,2]])
    //->whereNull('deleted_at') Unless you setup a scope at the model's bootup, 
    //Eloquent won't fetch soft deleted records

Depending on what you've got in that json column (if id), replace players with players->id

You can solve the problem with orWhere

$id = "1" // or = 1
Model::whereJsonContains('ids', [$id])
  ->orWhere(function (Builder $q) use ($model) {
    $q->whereJsonContains('ids', [(string)$id]);

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