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My whereJsonContains not working (Laravel 5.8)

I have problem with my laravel query.

Now I use query like this:

$courses = Course::whereJsonContains('schedule->day', 1)->get();

It doesn't work.

I'm using postgreSql 9.6 and my database and raw query look like this


I want to select class where have schedule in day = 1

If you define the column as schedule->day , MySQL assumes that this is an array of integers. In your case it's an array of objects, so you have to target the parent array and add the property name you are looking for in the second argument.

Like so:

$courses = Course::whereJsonContains('schedule', ['day' => 1])->get();


$courses = Course::whereJsonContains('schedule', [['day' => '1']])->get();

I solved with

          ->whereJsonContains('tag', [['value' => "tampa"]])->get();

If you're querying the value уоu don't need to use whereJsonContains , simply use a regular where query such as:

$courses = Course::where('schedule->day', 1)->get();`

If you want to check if day exists in Json, use whereJsonLength such as:

$courses = Course::whereJsonLength('schedule->day', '>', 0)->get();

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