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Filtering data by category for statistical test in Python

I am working with a dataframe to carry out a test in Python.

Group    Count 
B        21 
B        13 
A        25 
A        75 
A        11 
B        15 

As long as it is just for one section or category as such, the test is fine:

import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats

valuespergroup = [col for col_name, col in df.groupby('Group')['Count']]

Now, consider the following:

Category Group  Count
S1  P   21
S1  P   13
S1  A   25
S1  A   75
S1  A   10
S1  P   10
S2  P   21
S2  P   14
S2  A   29
S2  A   95
S2  A   15
S2  P   18

I need to process by category, meaning passing the data for S1 first, then S2, etc.. I tried putting category in the groupby, but it does not work. The function takes two arguments only.

Updates: I tried the following codes, but it will print the entire data for each category and I don't think it is passed correctly to the test either. It's along the lines I want to do. The final output should be: S1 test results S2 test results

groupby_Category = df.groupby('Category')

for  Category in groupby_Category:
     values_per_group = [col for col_name, col in df3.groupby(['Group'])['Count']]

     print(Category, stats.ranksums(*values_per_group))

Seems like you need groupby 'Group','Category'

for x , y in df.groupby(['Group','Category'])['Count']:

('A', 'S1') 2    25
3    75
4    10
Name: Count, dtype: int64
('A', 'S2') 8     29
9     95
10    15
Name: Count, dtype: int64
('P', 'S1') 0    21
1    13
5    10
Name: Count, dtype: int64
('P', 'S2') 6     21
7     14
11    18
Name: Count, dtype: int64

Your working attempt should work. However, you are using an unknown df3 . Simply replace this with actual dataframe from iteration of your groupby object, sub_df . In fact, extend your loop to build a dataframe of results from a list of dictionaries.

groupby_Category = df.groupby('Category')

data_list = []

for i, sub_df in groupby_Category:
     values_per_group = [col for col_name, col in sub_df.groupby(['Group'])['Count']]

     res = stats.ranksums(*values_per_group)
     print(i, res)
     # S1 RanksumsResult(statistic=0.8728715609439696, pvalue=0.38273308888522595)
     # S2 RanksumsResult(statistic=1.091089451179962, pvalue=0.27523352407483426)

     data_list.append({'Category': i, 'statistic': res[0], 'p_value': res[1]})

ranksums_df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)
#   Category   p_value  statistic
# 0       S1  0.382733   0.872872
# 1       S2  0.275234   1.091089

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