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cascading dropdown shows dictionary/array

For my project i need a cascading dropdown. I used the example from here https://jsfiddle.net/mplungjan/65Q9L/

great example and it worked,... half i keep getting my data as sort af an array

[('TEST HEALTCARE',), ('TEST HEALTCARE2',), ('Test healtcare',)]

same goes for the second and third select option.

I'm using flask with jinja and the data comes from an sqlite database

any idea on how i can get a list with the values instead of the array ?

thx !!


I found a way to return a JSON type list trough this snippet

 var keyValueData = {{ keyValueProjects|tojson }}

    var result = JSON.parse(keyValueData);
    var healthcare = {};

but the result is I get a error

VM1384:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1

this is my output:

var keyValueData = {"TEST ENTERPRISE": ["SubEnterprise 1"], "test Enterprise": ["subEnterprise"]}

    var result = JSON.parse(keyValueData);
    var healthcare = [];

From what I understand I think it has to do with the "{" at the beginning of the JSON. any idea on how i can get rid of this. Or do I miss something.


You do not need to parse the object as it is already parsed.

simply use the

keyValueData object.

like below

var keyValueData = {{ keyValueProjects|tojson }}     
    var result = *keyValueData* 
    var healthcare = {};

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