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How to parse response to POJO with this response body

New to spring and everything. Trying to hit an endpoint and retrieve the information in the response field. However I don't know how to access information more specific than just bringing back the whole response since it isn't nested in key/values?

I'm using rest template + MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter . I would like to map the information within response to a pojo, just unsure how to go any further or if I'm even in the right direction here. Example code below.

Postman response:

    "success": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "body": {
        "response": "TopStatus=Completed,TopRanking=4 - reqs met, TopDate=2014-04-23,TopTime=11:00 AM,TopEndTime=1:30 AM"
    "status": 200

Method that is trying to map to Pojo

public TopStatus getTopAppStatus(int topId, Status status) {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    HashMap<String, String> statusObj = new HashMap<String, String>();
    statusObj.put("topStatus", "Fail");
    statusObj.put("topId", "93");

    RestTemplate rt = getRestTemplate();
    URI uri = new URI("urihere");
    HttpEntity<HashMap> entity = new HttpEntity<HashMap>(statusObj, headers);
    TopStatus response = rt.postForObject(uri, entity, TopStatus.class);

    return response;

Pojo example on how I have it set up

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class TopStatus{

    private String topStatus;

    rest of fields, setters, getters etc...


You can use postForEntity() method returns ResponseEntity type object instead of postForObject()

you need to do small change that will map the response body to the POJO

ResponseEntity<TopStatus> response = rt.postForEntity(uri, entity, TopStatus.class);
TopStatus topStatusResponse = response.getBody();
return topStatusResponse;

This should return only the expected POJO.

Try to use below code.

public TopStatus getTopAppStatus(int topId, Status status) {
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    TopStatus model = new TopStatus();

    RestTemplate rt = getRestTemplate();
    URI uri = new URI("urihere");
    HttpEntity<> entity = new HttpEntity<HashMap>(model, headers);
    TopStatus response = rt.postForObject(uri, entity, TopStatus.class);

    return response;

Modified Code.

public TopStatus getTopAppStatus(int topId, Status status) {

    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    // Add the Jackson message converter
    restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
    // create request body
    //Here your TopStatus object converted to json. you can use Jackson to do this. 
    String input = "{\"topStatus\":\"Fail\",\"topId\":\"93\"}";

    // set headers
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<String>(input, headers);

    URI uri = new URI("urihere");
    ResponseEntity<TopStatus> response = restTemplate
        .exchange(uri, HttpMethod.POST, entity, TopStatus.class);

    return response;

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