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R/Shiny : RenderUI in a loop to generate multiple objects

After the success of the dynamic box in shiny here : R/Shiny : Color of boxes depend on select I need you to use these boxes but in a loop. Example : I have an input file which give this :

  • BoxA
  • BoxB
  • BoxC

I want in the renderUI loop these values as a variable to generate dynamically a Box A, B and C. (if I have 4 value, i will have 4 boxes etC.)

Here is my actually code:

for (i in 1:nrow(QRSList))

{ get(QRSOutputS[i]) <- renderUI({ column(4, box(title = h3(QRSList[1], style = "display:inline; font-weight:bold"),

      selectInput("s010102i", label = NULL,
                  choices = list("Non commencé" = "danger", "En cours" = "warning", "Terminé" = "success"),
                  selected = 1) ,width = 12, background = "blue", status = get(QRSIntputS[i])))
  get(QRSOutputS[i]) <- renderUI({
    box(title = h3(QRSList[1], style = "display:inline; font-weight:bold"),

        selectInput("s010102i", label = NULL,
                    choices = list("Not good" = "danger", "average" = "warning", "good" = "success"),
                    selected = get(QRSIntputS[i])) ,width = 12, background = "blue",status = get(QRSIntputS[i]))

The aim is to replace these box names to a variable like input$s010102 for example. But get and assign function does not exist.

Any idea ?

Thanks a lot

Here is an example how to generate boxes dynamically


QRSList <- c("Box1","Box2","Box3","Box4","Box5")

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "render Boxes"),
      menuItem("Test", tabName = "Test")

      tabItem(tabName = "Test",

server <- function(input, output) {

  v <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(QRSList)){
    v[[i]] <- box(width = 3, background = "blue",
                  title = h3(QRSList[i], style = "display:inline; font-weight:bold"),
                  selectInput(paste0("slider",i), label = NULL,choices = list("Not good" = "danger", "average" = "warning", "good" = "success"))
  output$myboxes <- renderUI(v)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


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