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classList.add has stopped my code from running. I can't figure out why. Can you?

 var p1Button = document.querySelector("#p1"); var p2Button = document.getElementById("p2"); var p1Display = document.querySelector("#p1Display"); var p2Display = document.querySelector("#p2Display"); var p1Score = 0; var p2Score = 0; var gameOver = false; var winningScore = 5; p1Button.addEventListener("click", function(){ if(!gameOver){ p1Score++; if (p1Score === winningScore) p1Display.classList.add("winner"); gameOver = true; } p1Display.textContent = p1Score; }); p2Button.addEventListener("click", function(){ if(!gameOver){ p2Score++; if (p2Score === winningScore) p2Display.classList.add("winner"); gameOver = true; } p2Display.textContent = p2Score; }); 
 .winner { color: green; } 
 <h1><span id = "p1Display">0</span> to <span id = "p2Display">0</span></h1> <p>Playing to: 5</p> <input type="number"> <button id="p1" type="button">Player One</button> <button id="p2" type="button">Player Two</button> <button id="reset" type="button">Reset</button> 

The p2Display.classList.add("winner"); lines on my two functions has stopped my code from working.

If you remove it the code works fine.

However, I need that line of code in order to complete this game.

Is there a reason why it's stopping my game from working?

I can't seem to figure it out.

You are missing the opening and closing brackets around the statements in the if block:

if (p1Score === winningScore)
    gameOver = true;

So, only the first statement is considered part of the if block, while the second statement gameOver = true; executes regardless. As a result, the game gets over with the first click event.

Here's the updated snippet with opening and closing brackets added around the if block:

 var p1Button = document.querySelector("#p1"); var p2Button = document.getElementById("p2"); var p1Display = document.querySelector("#p1Display"); var p2Display = document.querySelector("#p2Display"); var p1Score = 0; var p2Score = 0; var gameOver = false; var winningScore = 5; p1Button.addEventListener("click", function() { if (!gameOver) { p1Score++; if (p1Score === winningScore) { p1Display.classList.add("winner"); gameOver = true; } } p1Display.textContent = p1Score; }); p2Button.addEventListener("click", function() { if (!gameOver) { p2Score++; if (p2Score === winningScore) { p2Display.classList.add("winner"); gameOver = true; } } p2Display.textContent = p2Score; }); 
 .winner { color: green; } 
 <head> <title>Score Keeper</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="scoreKeeper.css"> </head> <body> <h1><span id="p1Display">0</span> to <span id="p2Display">0</span></h1> <p>Playing to: 5</p> <input type="number"> <button id="p1" type="button">Player One</button> <button id="p2" type="button">Player Two</button> <button id="reset" type="button">Reset</button> <script type="text/javascript" src="scoreKeeper.js"></script> </body> 

You messed up with your curly braces.

you need to remove the opening curly brace here: if(!gameOver){

and you need to add a curly brace: if (p2Score === winningScore) (in both eventlisteners)

p2Button.addEventListener("click", function(){

if (p2Score === winningScore){
    gameOver = true;

p2Display.textContent = p2Score;})

otherwise your execution order of the lines is messed up

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