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Migrating coldfusion application to Lucee

Our server is changing from Coldfusion to a Lucee server and I'm tasked with updating our code for a couple of web applications. I'm not a guru of Coldfusion but I can often figure my way around things, to that end my query.

The code I'm converting over is throwing this error: Can't cast Object type [DateTime] to a value of type [Array]

I have been working through all of the queries and making sure that the output is appropriately CAST which has resolved the majority of issues but the small block of code that is stumping me throws the above error. The code is:

<cfset summaryStartDate = ArrayMin( qSummaryData["minHours"] ) />
<cfset summaryMaxDate = ArrayMax( qSummaryData["maxHours"] ) />
<cfset summaryEndDate = DateAdd("d", -(DayofWeek(#summaryMaxDate#))+6, #summaryMaxDate# ) />

minHours and maxHours are both DATETIME format. I know in the coldfusion version they output like so:

summaryStartDate: 41204 summaryMaxDate: 43465 summaryEndDate: {ts '2019-01-04 00:00:00'}

Which, to me, means Coldfusion is doing a conversion in some way and Lucee doesn't do those (or at least from what I've read). The database is mySQL and the minHours and maxHours output as dates with 00:00:00 on the hours, for reference.

I'm probably missing something obvious but I can't see it.

I preface this answer with "it is not the greatest fix" but it does work. Taking my queue from andrewdixon I looked at side stepping the use of an array (which the data wasn't suited for) and looked at alternatives.

I settled on a query of queries, extracting the min value and then setting that in a cfset. Doing the same for max value following that. My two queries were:

<cfquery name="smallestFigure" dbtype="query">SELECT CAST(MIN(minHours) AS DATETIME) as outputMin FROM qSummaryData;</cfquery>
<cfquery name="largestFigure" dbtype="query">SELECT CAST(MAX(maxHours) AS DATETIME) as outputMax FROM qSummaryData;</cfquery>

I cfset these into summaryStartDate and summaryMaxDate so that this line (mentioned in the original post) could run:

<cfset summaryEndDate = DateAdd("d", -(DayofWeek(#summaryMaxDate#))+6, #summaryMaxDate# ) />

Shawn mentioned I didn't need the #'s around summaryMaxDate but I haven't made that change as yet. andrewdixon mentioned using query.reduce() as an alternative and I imagine that would be far more succinct than what I've done so if someone comes up with a better solution, please post as an answer.

Also thank you all for the support and ideas.

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