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Java JPA with Hibernate Mapping for Class

Say I have

class Properties {
    private final MediaType mediaType; // javax.ws.rs.core;

    public MediaType getMediaType() { return mediaType; }

When this is saved into the SQL, it gets saved as

"type": "application",
"subtype": "x-www-form-urlencoded",
"parameters": {
    "charset": "utf-8"
"wildcardType": false,
"wildcardSubtype": false

How can I make this return toString version of the MediaType?

You haven't posted your entity code (or you're using Hibernate with xmls) but you do need to create a converter in which you implement conversion methods for both directions:

  1. Convert entity to database representation (that is, convert MediaType to its toString
  2. Convert database representation (string) to the entiry. This direction will be harder for you as you'll need a json mapper for that.

Here's an example of how to implement converters

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