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How to find if any word in a column matches any word from another column by row in python

I am trying to see if any word from colA is contained in colB in a python dataframe.

example data

ColA                    ColB            Match
this is some text       some text       TRUE
some more text          more            TRUE
another line text       nothing to see  FALSE
my final line           dog cats goats  FALSE

desc split string, emp split string if any word in emp = any word in desc then true else false

something like...

df['Match'] = df['colA'].str.split().apply(lambda x: 'true' if any x in df['ColB'].str.split() else 'false')



df.apply(lambda x: np.any([word in x.ColB.split(' ') for word in x.ColA.split(' ')]),axis = 1)

Maybe using issubset

[set(y).issubset(set(x)) for x , y  in zip(df.ColA.str.split(),df.ColB.str.split())]
Out[57]: [True, True, False, False]

If we need only on match

[len(list(set(x) & set(y)))>0 for x , y  in zip(df.ColA.str.split(),df.ColB.str.split())]
Out[61]: [True, True, False, False]

You can use a list comprehension with zip and a custom function:

def find_words(words, val):
    val_split = val.split()
    return any(x in val_split for x in words.split())

df['Match'] = [find_words(a, b) for a, b in zip(df['ColA'], df['ColB'])]

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