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ngrok killing a tunnel from windows 7 command line

I'm trying to use ngrok to foward my app, currently hosted on localhost:3602, to my development partner.

I've done this many times in the past successfully, simply by typing in

ngrok http 3602

I get back a url that he can conntect to. But now when I type that in I get the following error message:

Tunnel session failed. Your account is limited to 1 simultaneous ngrok client session. Active ngrok client sessions in region 'us': - f21bd0dbe67928069054c733a5e11f88 ( ERR_NGROK_108

Obviously I must have an existing tunnel session running somewhere.

My problem is I have no idea where to find that existing tunnel session and how to terminate it. It does not exist as either a running application, process or service in the task manager, and I can find no syntax in the documentation for how to terminate a tunnel session. I've tried rebooting my machine to no effect, which tells me this is probably not a local problem, but rather something running on the ngrok site linked to my account, yet nothing I can find in my account settings indicates anything helpful.

Can anyone provide the necessary command to clear up this problem. Thanks.

for window version:

tskill /A ngrok


Try this, worked like a charm for me

killall ngrok


I'm forgot an important thing, this command is an Unix command, so works only on Mac or Linux. In Windows maybe you can open the Task Manager and close all ngrok processes.

It seems like ngrok got a (JavaScript) function for that:

const ngrok = require('ngrok');

This answer is not about killing tunnel, but about a possible solution to the described problem with ERR_NGROK_108.

https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/setup describes a simple plan for getting started with ngrok.


If you execute the second step you will have a file ngrok.yaml (In my case path was: C:\\Users\\Mi\\ .ngrok2\\ngrok.yml ).

And after that executing ngrok http 80 will provide the described error ERR_NGROK_108.


  • Skip the second step . Execute ngrok http 80 without previous ngrok authtoken
  • If you have already executed this step, delete the file ngrok.yml

This approach solved my problem with ERR_NGROK_108.

If you are limited to one session — like I was. Then you may have created an account with ngrok and signed in with your machine. And it'll create a file:


It uses this to limit your client, simply delete this file.

on your ngrok prompt just run this command

taskkill /f /im ngrok.exe

On Windows(cmd):

taskkill /f /im ngrok.exe


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