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C# XMLDocument to DataTable?

I assume I have to do this via a DataSet, but it doesn't like my syntax.

I have an XMLDocument called "XmlDocument xmlAPDP".

I want it in a DataTable called "DataTable dtAPDP".

I also have a DataSet called "DataSet dsAPDP".


if I do DataSet dsAPDP.ReadXML(xmlAPDP) it doesn't like that because ReadXML wants a string, I assume a filename?

No hacks required:

xmlAPDP = new XmlDocument()
xmlReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlAPDP)
dataSet = new DataSet()

XmlDocument is an XmlNode, and XmlNodeReader is a XmlReader, which ReadXml accepts.

ASP.net example:

private DataTable GetReportDataTable()
    //get mapped path to xml document
    string xmlDocString = Server.MapPath("CustomReports.xml");

    //read into dataset
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

    //return single table inside of dataset
    return dataSet.Tables[0];


dsAPDP.ReadXml(new MemoryStream(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(xmlAPDP.OuterXml)))

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