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Angular- How do I repeat a component with different data?

I have an Angular 2 app where I want to list off all of the locations in my data (that I pull in with my service).

Inside my parent I plan to list them off with an *ngFor:

<ul *ngFor="let location in myservice.locations"></ul>

Firstly, is this possible? The component will repeat once for each location, and look the same other than the data.

I'm just not sure where to start. If my service received 4 locations objects each with name, and date data, How can I go about this?

I'm thinking my location (child) component will look something like this?

export class locationComponent implements OnInit{
    constructor(private _myserviceService: MyserviceService) {
var locationname = ; 
var locationdate = ;
    let observable = this._myserviceService.getLocations();
     observable.subscribe(data => {
     this.obj = data

The html will be something like:


Mainly my question is, how do I make sure I construct my location component so that it can be reused with multiple data objects and I can loop through them?

Thanks!! Let me know if I can clarify.

Take a look at this . I think this is what you are looking for.

I am passing

    id: 'location 1'
    id: 'location 2'

using *ngFor loop to the child component where each object can be rendered as per the component.

First, the data received form the endpoint will be stored in this.obj ( code : this.obj = data ), then in your html you can

<ul *ngFor="let location in obj">

that will show two lines for each location

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