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Corrupt xlsx file created by xlsxwriter

I have the following code to create an .xlsx file with xlsxwriter :

workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_path)
df_report = pd.DataFrame(columns=['name', 'other', 'days', 'id', 'type',
        'call_type', 'role', 'breach'])
df_report = pd.concat([df_report, rpt1[rpt1['name'] == clientName]])
df_report.sort_values(by = ['breach'], inplace = True, ascending = False)
df_report = df_report[['other', 'days', 'id', 'role','breach']]
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('RPT_001_Q')
worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'logo.png', {'x_scale': 0.25, 'y_scale': 0.25})

merge_format = workbook.add_format({
    'bold': 1,
    'border': 2,
    'align': 'center',
    'valign': 'vcenter',
    'fg_color': 'white'})
worksheet.merge_range('A1:C5', '', merge_format)
bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1})
worksheet.write('A6', 'Report Date:', bold)
worksheet.write('B6', self.date, bold)
worksheet.write('A7', 'Report Name:', bold)
worksheet.write('B7', 'RPT_001_Q ', bold)
worksheet.write('A8', 'Begin Date:', bold)
worksheet.write('B8', start, bold)
worksheet.write('A9', 'End Date:', bold)
worksheet.write('B9', end, bold)
worksheet.write('A10', 'Entity:', bold)
worksheet.write('B10', client, bold)
worksheet.write('A11', 'Type:', bold)
worksheet.write('B11', 'Type A', bold)
worksheet.write('A12', 'Call Type:', bold)
worksheet.write('B12', 'Type D', bold)
if len(df_report) == 0:
    worksheet.write('A13', 'No Data found for this Report in the time constraint given', bold)
    table = 'A13:E' + str(len(df_report) + 13)
    data = df_report.values.tolist()
    worksheet.add_table(table, {'data' : data, 'style': 'Table Style Medium 1', 'columns' : [ 

                                                {'header' : 'other'}, 
                                                {'header' : 'days'},
                                                {'header' : 'id'}, 
                                                {'header' : 'role'}, 

The output file gives this error upon opening in Excel:

Excel cannot open the file 'rpt.xlsx' because the file format or file 
extention is not valid

When trying to read the excel file back into python (using pandas.read_excel() ), I receive an error stating File size 0 bytes

I cannot seem to figure out a way to fix this, and have spend a good number of days trying to solve it. ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

--------------------------- EDIT -----------------------------------------

I tried removing the insert_image() and add_table() statements, but found the worksheet was still corrupt.

It saves time for you, and the people answering, if you can add a fully working program.

I've modified your example to include some sample data and turned some of the variable like self.date into strings:

import pandas as pd
import xlsxwriter

file_path = 'test.xlsx'
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_path)

data_list = [10, 20, 30, 20, 15]
df_report = pd.DataFrame({'other': data_list,
                          'days': data_list,
                          'id': data_list,
                          'role': data_list,
                          'breach': data_list})

worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('RPT_001_Q')
worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'logo.png', {'x_scale': 0.9, 'y_scale': 0.9})

merge_format = workbook.add_format({
    'bold': 1,
    'border': 2,
    'align': 'center',
    'valign': 'vcenter',
    'fg_color': 'white'})

worksheet.merge_range('A1:C5', '', merge_format)
bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1})

worksheet.write('A6', 'Report Date:', bold)
worksheet.write('B6', 'self.date', bold)
worksheet.write('A7', 'Report Name:', bold)
worksheet.write('B7', 'RPT_001_Q ', bold)
worksheet.write('A8', 'Begin Date:', bold)
worksheet.write('B8', 'start', bold)
worksheet.write('A9', 'End Date:', bold)
worksheet.write('B9', 'end', bold)
worksheet.write('A10', 'Entity:', bold)
worksheet.write('B10', 'client', bold)
worksheet.write('A11', 'Type:', bold)
worksheet.write('B11', 'Type A', bold)
worksheet.write('A12', 'Call Type:', bold)
worksheet.write('B12', 'Type D', bold)

if len(df_report) == 0:
    worksheet.write('A13', 'No Data found for this Report in the time constraint given', bold)
    table = 'A13:E' + str(len(df_report) + 13)
    data = df_report.values.tolist()
    worksheet.add_table(table, {'data' : data, 'style': 'Table Style Medium 1', 'columns' : [

                                                {'header' : 'other'},
                                                {'header' : 'days'},
                                                {'header' : 'id'},
                                                {'header' : 'role'},

The output file isn't corrupted, see below, so is there some part of the program that you left out that might be having an effect?


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