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Bash process substitution in Python with subprocess.run() and shared input

I have a question regarding bash process substitution in python using subprocess. I'm trying to write it in a way that both the main function and the subprocess use the same input from stdin (which in the code is a string variable). Here is the code:

p1 = subprocess.run(['cat'],
     stdout=subprocess.PIPE, input=in_fa.encode())
p2 = subprocess.run(['bwa samse reference/C57BL_6J.fa <(bwa aln -l 20 reference/C57BL_6J.fa -) -'],
     shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", input=p1.stdout,

In this example, in_fa is a string like the following:


In this code, both '-' in the main process and the subprocess refer to in_fa , but while the main process is reading it correctly, the subprocess is not.

This, for example, would work, but it's not dynamic and it's reading from a file instead than a variable:

p1 = subprocess.run(['''cat fasta/input.fasta |
    bwa samse reference/C57BL_6J.fa <(
        cat fasta/input.fasta |
          bwa aln -l 20 reference/C57BL_6J.fa -) -'],
    shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

Any help would be appreciated! Meanwhile, I will keep trying.

You cannot consume standard input from two distinct processes; they need to receive a copy each.

My approach to this would be to write the string to a temporary file and take it from there.

In addition, your subprocess calls have a couple of problems.

  • You need to pass in either a string or a list of tokens. What you have looks like it's working, but it's really not well-defined.

  • The cat performs no useful purpose here; the purpose of cat is to combine multiple files, and you only have one file. ( It wasn't useful in the shell either. )

import tempfile
import os

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
    fa_tmp = os.path.join([tmpdirname, 'in.fa'])
    with open(fa_tmp, 'wb') as handle:
    proc = subprocess.run(
         '''bwa samse reference/C57BL_6J.fa <(
              bwa aln -l 20 reference/C57BL_6J.fa {0})
        shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", 
        check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

See also Running Bash commands in Python where I have an answer which outlines some of the problems you are having in more detail.

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