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React - Managing UI State

I'm creating an UI component, which should be able to maintain its own UI state, but receives data from a parent component via props. This is a common scenario, so what would be considered a best practice?

Example: A directory tree component. The component receives its structure and text content from parent component via props. However, the tree component should manage the visibility status of the nodes by itself (closed/expanded). Should I copy props to state when they are received/updated, and add visibility data there? I'm under impression that initializing state from props is a bad practice.

Maybe something like this?


You do not need to copy props to local state in such case :)

If you have to modify or convert your prop data, try computed property instead:

get someValueFromProps() {
  return this.props.value.replace('foo', 'bar')

The less local state, the better component, as state creates bugs unless programmers pay attention to them.

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