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fatal: unable to access : Failed to connect to bitbucket.org port 443: Connection timed out

I have a problem with my git, when I pull or push to repository of bitbucket. I always get this error:

fatal: unable to access ' https://myrepo@bitbucket.org/ ****/**': Failed to connect to bitbucket.org port 443: Connection timed out

I tried all solution but it can not resolved.

UPDATE: 28-08-2020

This is Temp fix but at least working for me after bitbucket new IP changed

Note:- hosts file can be found in windows at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and in Linux it exists at /etc/hosts . make sure you edit with admin rights ie in windows open notepad as administrator and then open host file. In Linux sudo gedit /etc/hosts from the terminal from any location:)

just add the below line in hosts file bitbucket.org

For all existing users who previously edited etc/hosts file and now stopped working just replace the old IP address of bitbucket with new one ie in etc/hosts

REPLACE IP whatever) bitbucket.org

with bitbucket.org

Happy Coding!

Recommendation 1: Just you need to remove your origin and set the origin again, then try to pull/push. Hopefully, it will work for you.

 git remote -v
 git remote remove origin    
 git remote add origin https://habibbd@bitbucket.org/softwarebd/mida-oss.git 

Recommendation 2: Remove those of lines from Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts file if anyone of these lines is available. bitbucket.org bitbucket.org bitbucket.org

Recommendation 3: Change your network connection/provider. Sometimes your network provider causes this kind of issue.

Recommendation 4: Check firewall settings. Sometimes it was the issue for showing this kind of message.

Try upgrading git if you have the old version.

Check your git version:

$ git --version

Run the following to upgrade:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git

Check if you require VPN and reconnect. That was the reason for me. After I reconnected to the VPN everything worked as normal.

In.git directory update file called config, remove this link. Post this do 'git pull', it'll ask for your credentials again & pull will successfully go through


First, you are not pushing to GitHub , but BitBucket .

Second, since BitBucket status seems OK, there must be a network or proxy or firewall issue on your side.

Regarding the proxy specifically:

  • check your ~/gitconfig file content
  • remove any proxy line
  • set a proxy in your environment variables:

     export http_proxy=http://someuser:somepassword@

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