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Emoji in strings.xml file?

My string.xml is utf-8.

<string name="id">Hi \u0026</string>

^This worked. and showed as: Hi &.

But this does not work with this emoji 👈:

<string name="id">Hi \u1F448</string>


How can I make it work with 👈?

Use HTML Entity (decimal) ie &#128072; to add 👈 in strings.xml and use it in your app.

So your string will be:

<string name="emoji">Hi &#128072;</string>



For more information please check here

Using HTML encoding is not working for me, at least when using the HTML code as &#2764 for the red heart emoji in the translation editor. I copied the unicode number from https://emojipedia.org/emoji/%E2%9D%A4/

However, just pasting it as the emoji character from clipboard ❤️ direct into the translations editor worked just fine, and perhaps I needn't have worried at all.

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