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How to read user command input and store parts in variables

So let's say that user types !give_money user#5435 33000

Now I want to take that user#5435 and 33000 and store them in variables.

How do I do that? Maybe it is very simple but I don't know.

If you need any more info please comment.


print(list_of_sub_string[-1])  #33000
print(list_of_sub_string[-2])  #user#5435

Split the input on spaces and extract the second and third elements:

parts = input().split()
user = parts[1]
numb = parts[2]

Although it would be more Pythonic to unpack into variables (discarding the first with a conventional underscore):

_, user, numb = input().split()

Just to elaborate further, input.split() returns a list of the sublists split at the deliminator passed into the function. However, when there are no inputs, the string is split on spaces.

To get a feel, observe:

>>> 'hello there bob'.split()
['hello', 'there', 'bob']
>>> 'split,on,commas'.split(',')
['split', 'on', 'commas']

and then unpacking just assigns variables to each element in a list:

>>> a, b, c = [1, 2, 3]
>>> a
>>> b
>>> c

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