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pyImporterror running subfolder python scripts from the parent folder

I am trying to run from the directory folder:
$ python subdirectoryTwo/file.py command (Python 2.7).

Folders structure:



My file.py has: from subdirectoryOne.config import config

However I am getting an error:

file.pyImportError: No module named subdirectoryOne.config`

(I guess it still looks in the directory folder)

There few thins you need to change.

(public)landpacks-MacBook-Pro:qx frank$ tree

├── __init__.py
├── __init__.pyc
├── a
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── __init__.pyc
│   ├── config.py
│   └── config.pyc
└── b
    ├── __init__.py
    └── test.py

Create a __init__.py with with your subdirectoryOne and subdirectoryTwo like here I used a and b . and then add few codes at the begin of your file.py . And I name it as test.py here. the code is:

import sys


from project.a.config import myconf


You can see I import it by project.a.config instead of a.config . because you run your code under the project.


My a/config.py just simple with:

(public)landpacks-MacBook-Pro:qx frank$ cat a/config.py

$ export PYTHONPATH='/absolute/path/to/directory'

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