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How to extract data to a dataset from XML by R

It's my source link : source

 <AOSBS_XML Name="HR_ODDS_WIN" Timestamp="2018-09-02 17:59:16" Version="L2.2R1C" ID="355">
  <PoolInfo Pool="WIN" OddsUpdateTime="16:06" Enabled="0">
    <OddsInfo Number="1" Odds="16" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="0.00" Hot="0" WillPay="16300"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="2" Odds="3.5" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="0.00" Hot="0" WillPay="3550"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="3" Odds="12" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="14.28" Hot="0" WillPay="12950"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="4" Odds="12" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="0.00" Hot="0" WillPay="12950"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="5" Odds="2.4" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="27.27" Hot="1" WillPay="2400"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="6" Odds="6.6" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="0.00" Hot="0" WillPay="6600"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="7" Odds="35" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="23.91" Hot="0" WillPay="35300"/>
    <OddsInfo Number="8" Odds="8.2" Scratched="0" OddsDrop="18.00" Hot="0" WillPay="8250"/>

Here is my code :

 url = paste("http://iosbsinfo02.hkjc.com/infoA/AOSBS/HR_GetInfo.ashx?QT=HR_ODDS_win&Venue=*&Race=7")
 doc = xmlParse(url)
 root = xmlRoot(doc)

However, I don't know how to extract the part of OddsSet to a dataset. Any one can help me ?

This should work:

url = paste("http://iosbsinfo02.hkjc.com/infoA/AOSBS/HR_GetInfo.ashx?QT=HR_ODDS_win&Venue=*&Race=7")
doc = read_xml(url)
OddsSet <- xml_find_all(doc, ".//OddsSet") %>% 
  xml_children() %>% map(xml_attrs) %>% map_df(~as.list(.))

For attribute-centric data extraction, consider XML's internal method, xmlAttrsToDataFrame , accessible with triple colon operator:


df <- XML:::xmlAttrsToDataFrame(getNodeSet(doc, path='//OddsInfo'))

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