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Conditionally send data to multiple writers in spring batch

I have some logic in my processor And based on that I need to decide if I need to write items in TableA (WriterA) or TableB(writer)

eg Item has filed type and type can have value as A or B and based on value in type filed I need to decide in which table I need to write the data.

This can be achieved by using Classifier . Below are the configurations:

Writer - Writer will set the Classifer to decide which writer we need to use. Based on classfiter output writer will be decided.

public ItemWriter<Pojo> itemWriter() {
    BackToBackPatternClassifier classifier = new BackToBackPatternClassifier();
    classifier.setRouterDelegate(new MyClassifier());
    classifier.setMatcherMap(new HashMap<String, ItemWriter<? extends Pojo>>() {
            put("A", WriterA);
            put("B", WriterB);

    ClassifierCompositeItemWriter<Pojo> writer = new ClassifierCompositeItemWriter<Pojo>();
    return writer;      


public class MyClassifier {

    public String classify(Pojo Pojo) {
        return Pojo.getType();

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