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Dynamically include array object variables in the HTML in Angular

I am new to the Angular 6. Here is my problem.

In the Component:

 ngOnInit() {

                this.cols = [
                    { field: 'col1', header: 'Column 1', filterMatchMode: 'contains' },
                    { field: 'col2', header: 'Column 2', filterMatchMode: 'contains' },
this.selectedColumns = this.cols;


In the HTML:

 <p-table [columns]="selectedColumns" >
    <th *ngFor="let col of columns;">
                  <div [ngClass]="{'has-error': col.field.invalid && col.field.touched }">
                    <input [(ngModel)]="newRecord[col.field]" name="{{col.field}}" #{{col.field}}="ngModel" required type="text" pInputText [style]="{'width':'100%'}" class="form-control form-control-sm search-input" pattern="[0-9]+" />
                  <div *ngIf="col.field.invalid && col.field.touched" class="td-error-msg">
                    Valid input is required.

I am getting issue where when I try to check and insert the dynamic value "col.field" in the ngIf and Angular id.

1. *ngIf="col.field.invalid && col.field.touched"
2. name="{{col.field}}" #{{col.field}}="ngModel"

I am trying to provide validation for the input field with error message.

You are misusing prime ng p-table component, you are trying to use column headers as a input form. If you want to use the table to input new data it would be much easier to just create a <p-table> with a single row and use the built in features of primeng like the OnEditComplete() event to trigger your validation. I would also ask yourself if you really need dynamic columns? Do you need to use a table? Could you just make a form and use the validation build into prime ng?



You can create a template variable with a static name, such as #field (or whatever name you like), and since it is scoped to the item, there will be no naming conflicts.

<input [(ngModel)]="newRecord[col.field]" name="{{col.field}}" #field="ngModel"... /> ... <div *ngIf="field.invalid && field.touched" class="td-error-msg"> Valid input is required. </div>

field will always refer to the input of the current item. The *ngFor structural directive creates a template for each item, each with its own scope. This should be the easiest solution over dynamically creating template variable names.


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