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why this always return empty array

this is my query code for search

if ($request->has('search'))
    $search = $request->get('search');
    $households = Household::where('data->household_id', 'LIKE', '%$search%')
        ->orWhere('data->data->household->address', 'LIKE', '%' .$search .'%')
        ->orWhere('data->data->members', 'LIKE', '%' .$search.'%')->get();
} else {
    $households = Household::all();

if ($households)
    return response()->json([
            'error' => false,
            'data'  => HouseholdResource::collection($households),
        ], 200);

return "No data found for search";

It always return empty array, even data exist in database.

and this is my migration

$data = [
        'household_id'   => $request->get('enumeration_id'),
        'data'           => json_encode([
            'household' => [
                'address'=> $request->get('address'),
            'members'=> [],


there is my migration table

Schema::create('households', function (Blueprint $table) {

database data is like

"household": {
            "enumeration_id": "1938347-32960066",
            "location": "676 Derick Cape\nReeseburgh, WA 95751",
            "identifier": "122 b 2",
            "location_code": "LK-CMB-002",
            "address": {
                "text": "86242 Lynch Roads\nSouth Deon, KS 16600-5109",
                "village": "address village",
                "district": "address district"

Can you got the problem? i need help

Assuming your table has two columns, household_id and data, of which data is a JSON field, your query should look like:

Household::where('household_id', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%')
        ->orWhere('data->household->address', 'LIKE', '%' .$search .'%')
        ->orWhere('data->members', 'LIKE', '%' .$search.'%')

I'm not sure why you're attempting to put everything under another data level. I also don't think data->members will be searchable in this manner based on your provided structure.

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