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Create a dynamic html table and populate it with xml data using javascript

I need to create a dynamic data table which shows data by reading a xml

here is my xml

<DataTables xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file://C:/FRM/xsd/DataTables.xsd" >
    <Table name="dt_EdgeCaseHome">
            <Column name="Username" type="String" />
            <Column name="Email" type="String" />
            <Column name="Password" type="String" />

    <Table name="dt_EdgeCaseRoute">
            <Column name="Username" type="String" />
            <Column name="Password" type="String" />

    <Table name="dt_EdgeCaseSpectrum">
            <Column name="AppHeader" type="String" />
            <Column name="UserID" type="String" />
            <Column name="Service" type="String" />
            <Column name="Clients" type="String" />



I was able to read the xml and get the data to a json using the following code

var convert = require('xml-js');
var xml = require('fs').readFileSync('./testscenario.xml', 'utf8');

var result1 = convert.xml2json(xml, {compact: true, spaces: 4});

But, I'm not sure on how to proceed with rest.

What I need to do is create a table according to that data and populate the table with column names and row values.

What is the best approach to build this table?

Let the client do it with jquery? No need for JSON then

 var xml = `<DataTables xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="file://C:/FRM/xsd/DataTables.xsd" > <Table name="dt_EdgeCaseHome"> <Header> <Column name="Username" type="String" /> <Column name="Email" type="String" /> <Column name="Password" type="String" /> </Header> <Row> <Value>brian</Value> <Value>brianf@edge.com</Value> <Value>qwerty</Value> </Row> </Table> <Table name="dt_EdgeCaseRoute"> <Header> <Column name="Username" type="String" /> <Column name="Password" type="String" /> </Header> <Row> <Value>Carl</Value> <Value>1qaz2wsx</Value> </Row> </Table> <Table name="dt_EdgeCaseSpectrum"> <Header> <Column name="AppHeader" type="String" /> <Column name="UserID" type="String" /> <Column name="Service" type="String" /> <Column name="Clients" type="String" /> </Header> <Row> <Value>Contract</Value> <Value>47</Value> <Value>Agent</Value> <Value>Exodus</Value> </Row> <Row> <Value>Contract</Value> <Value>49</Value> <Value>Agent</Value> <Value>Prometheus</Value> </Row> </Table> </DataTables>` var $xml = $(xml); $xml.find("Table").each(function() { console.log($(this).attr("name")); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 

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