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why server-side datatables show all records in one page and search doesn't work?

I have been working with data-table . everything is working quite fine, the issues is that - pagination not working perfectly, - searching not working - all data showing only in one page

I used the below code for the initialization of the datatable -

$(document).ready(function () {

        "processing" : true,
        "serverSide" : true,
        "pageLength" : 5,
        "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
        "ajax" : {
            url: "/users",
            dataSrc : "data",
             {"data": "id"},
            {"data": "name"},
            {"data": "tweet"}


and my controller servie (play framework)

 public Result ListAll(){
    List<User> users = User.find.all();
    DataTableObject dataTableObject = new DataTableObject();

    String json = toJson(dataTableObject).toString();
    System.out.println("----> " + json );
    return ok(toJson(dataTableObject));


and DataTableObject class

public class DataTableObject {
    int draw = 1;
    int  recordsTotal= 26;

    int  recordsFiltered =26;

    List<User> data;

    public int getRecordsTotal() {
        return recordsTotal;

    public void setDraw(int draw) {
        this.draw = draw;

    public int getDraw() {
        return draw;

    public void setRecordsTotal(int recordsTotal) {
        this.recordsTotal = recordsTotal;

    public int getRecordsFiltered() {
        return recordsFiltered;

    public void setRecordsFiltered(int recordsFiltered) {
        this.recordsFiltered = recordsFiltered;

    public List<User> getData() {
        return data;

    public void setData(List<User> data) {
        this.data = data;


and this is a screenshot of my http://localhost:9000/

When using serverSide:true Datatables does not handle searching, filtering, paging or ordering. You have to manipulate your query based on the sent parameters datatables is sending with the Get/Post request when you page, sort or search on your table.

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