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how to call Non-static method from Unity Android Plugin?

i want use this java code to get uri data in unity i write this script code to call this method , but not work


public String GetUri(){
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    Uri intentData = intent.getData();
    return intentData.getQueryParameter("token");


TextShow.text += ajc.Call<string>("GetUri");

After many tests , i find only static method can call in unity

like this


public static String DoSthInAndroid3()
    return "33333";


TextShow.text += ajc.Call<string>("DoSthInAndroid3");

i try Non-static method , but not work

public String DoSthInAndroid3()
    return "33333";

TextShow.text += ajc.Call<string>("DoSthInAndroid3");

how to use android Plugin to get the uri data? the getIntent() seem cant call in static method , how do i get it ?



package com.s.mylibrary;
import android.net.Uri;
import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity;
public class AndroidPlugin extends UnityPlayerActivity {
    public static String GetString(){

    public String GetUri(){
        Uri intentData = getIntent().getData();
        return intentData.getQueryParameter("token");


void GetAndroidUri()
    var ajc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.s.mylibrary.AndroidPlugin"); //(1)
    TextShow.text += ajc.CallStatic<string>("GetString");
    TextShow.text += ajc.CallStatic<string>("GetUri");
    TextShow.text += ajc.Call<string>("GetUri");


        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="justlovepaohuzi" android:host="hmok" android:pathPrefix="/UserToekn"/>


        <a href="justlovepaohuzi://hmok/UserToekn/?token=123456999"> Open3 </a>  


i fix method name and try new Print code, i find i still can't get non-static method , not have error message , but still different from expectation


package com.s.mylibrary;
import android.net.Uri;
import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity;
public class AP extends UnityPlayerActivity{
    public static String GetString(){
        return "TestThisAP";
    public String GetString2(){
        return "AAAAAA";
    public String GetUri(){
        Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
        return uri.getQueryParameter("token")+"XDDX";


void GetAndroidUri()
    var ajc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.s.mylibrary.AP");
    TextShow.text += ajc.CallStatic<string>("GetString");
    TextShow.text += ajc.Call<string>("GetString2");
    TextShow.text += ajc.Call<string>("GetUri");
    TextShow.text += "Last";

relult string

expected "TestThisAPAAAAAA(token)XDDXLast"

relult "TestThisAPLast"

I finally found a solution in this article

enter link description here

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