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How can I register Alexa V2 Servlet in Spring Boot

With Alexa, I want to call my Spring Boot application, which runs on a Google App Engine. I can send requests from the Alexa-Simulator and can log the request.

I followed this tutorial ( https://medium.freecodecamp.org/implementing-an-alexa-skill-with-spring-boot-also-why-would-you-do-such-a-thing-9992c0797646 ) to register the SpeechletServlet to call my Intents.

Now, Im using the Alexa-SDK V2, but I don´t know how to register the servlet in this version.


public class AlexaConfig {

private HandlerSpeechlet handlerSpeechlet;

public ServletRegistrationBean registerSpeechletServlet() {

    SpeechletServlet speechletServlet = new SpeechletServlet();

    ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(speechletServlet, "/alexa");
    return servletRegistrationBean;


This is my current configuration for V1, but how can I do it in V2?

I could fix it by following the instructions of the sample github project:


Just implement the AlexaConfiguration.java Class and configure the application.properties

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