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Use card views as buttons

On the home screen of my app i have a list of card views that i want to use as buttons to switch to their related fragment.

i want to do it similar to this instead of writing a onclick method for every card.

 private void BottomNavigation_NavigationItemSelected(object sender, BottomNavigationView.NavigationItemSelectedEventArgs e) { Fragment fragment = null; switch (e.Item.ItemId) { case Resource.Id.menu_home: fragment = homeFragment; break; case Resource.Id.menu_favourites: fragment = favFragment; break; case Resource.Id.menu_more: fragment = moreFragment; break; } FragmentTransaction fragmentTx = SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); fragmentTx.Replace(Resource.Id.container, fragment); fragmentTx.Commit(); }

I am doing this inside the home fragment and my cardviews are the paceCard, wattsCard and weightadjustCard. So how can i implement this for my cards?

Declare every CardView from your XML in java activity and put on them OnClickListener.

CardView cview1,cview2;

You can try this:

public void onClickCardView(View v){
        case R.id.YOUR_ID:
        case R.id.YOUR_ID:
        case R.id.YOUR_ID:

and in your xml give all the card onClick: like this


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