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Highcharts synchronise range selector and navigator on 3 charts

I'm looking to syncronise the navigator and the range selector on my 3 charts.

I currently have the navigator at the bottom of the last chart and the range selector at the top of the first chart. However these still only control their related chart and not syncronised with the others.

Please see my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gdf0swa9/

var options = {
                                        "chart": {
                                            "type": "line",
                                            "polar": false,
                                            "zoomType": "x",
                                            "inverted": false
                                        "rangeSelector": {
                                            "enabled": true
                                        "navigator": {
                                            "enabled": false
                                        "scrollbar": {
                                            "enabled": false
                                        "title": {
                                            "text": "Peak",
                                            "align": "left",
                                            "floating": false

                                        "subtitle": {
                                            "text": " "

                                        "series": [{
                                            "name": "Peak",
                                            "turboThreshold": 0,
                                            "color": "#FF0000",
                                            "threshold": 14,
                                            "type": "line",
                                            "dashStyle": "Solid",
                                            "negativeColor": "#ffee58",
                                            "colorByPoint": false,
                                            "visible": true
                                        }, {
                                            "name": "Minimum",
                                            "type": "line",
                                            "color": "#f44336",
                                            "dashStyle": "ShortDash",
                                            "visible": false
                                        }, {
                                            "name": "Maximum",
                                            "dashStyle": "LongDash",
                                            "type": "line",
                                            "color": "#f44336",
                                            "visible": false
                                        }, {
                                            "name": "Threshold",
                                            "type": "line",
                                            "color": "#f50057",
                                            "visible": false
                                        }, {
                                            "name": "Location Temperature",
                                            "visible": false
                                        "data": {
                                            "csv": "\"Movement\";\"Peak\";\"Minimum\";\"Maximum\";\"Threshold\";\"Location Temperature\"\n1;12.87;12;15;14;20\n2;16;12;15;14;23\n3;12.92;12;15;14;22\n4;13.14;12;15;14;25\n5;12.88;12;15;14;24\n6;13.03;12;15;14;23\n7;12.76;12;15;14;20\n8;16;12;15;14;22\n9;12.72;12;15;14;20\n10;13.2;12;15;14;24",
                                            "googleSpreadsheetKey": false,
                                            "googleSpreadsheetWorksheet": false

                                        "pane": {
                                            "background": []
                                        "responsive": {
                                            "rules": []
                                        "yAxis": [{
                                            "title": {
                                                "text": "(V)"
                                        "xAxis": [{
                                            "plotBands": [{}]
                                        "plotOptions": {
                                            "series": {
                                                "dataLabels": {
                                                    "enabled": false
                                        "legend": {
                                            "layout": "vertical",
                                            "enabled": false,
                                            "align": "center",
                                            "floating": false
                                        "annotations": [{}],
                                        "tooltip": {
                                            "shared": false
                                        "credits": {
                                            "text": " ",
                                            "enabled": false
                                        "accessibility": {
                                            "describeSingleSeries": false
                                    new Highcharts.StockChart("highcharts-67f948af-71a4-4556-ad25-ec142f0f406f", options);

You can use afterSetExtremes event and set right xAxis extremes for other charts:

events: {
    afterSetExtremes: function(e) {
        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            Highcharts.charts[i].xAxis[0].setExtremes(e.min, e.max, true, false);

Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/gyt5pjc7/

API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.events.afterSetExtremes

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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