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How to remove the first and last portion of a string in Python?

How can i cut from such a string (json) everything before and including the first [ and everything behind and including the last ] with Python?

    "Customers": [
           "cID": "w2-502952",
           "soldToId": "34124"
        "status": {
        "success": true,
        "message": "Customers: 560",
        "ErrorCode": ""

I want to have at least only

"cID" : "w2-502952",
"soldToId" : "34124",

String manipulation is not the way to do this. You should parse your JSON into Python and extract the relevant data using normal data structure access.

obj = json.loads(data)
relevant_data = obj["Customers"]

Addition to @Daniel Rosman answer, if you want all the list from JSON .

result = []
obj = json.loads(data)

for value in obj.values():
    if isinstance(value, list):

If you really want to do this via string manipulation (which I don't recommend), you can do it this way:

start = s.find('[') + 1
finish = s.find(']')
inner = s[start : finish]

While I agree that Daniel's answer is the absolute best way to go, if you must use string splitting, you can try .find()

string = #however you are loading this json text into a string

start = string.find('[')
end = string.find(']')
customers = string[start:end]

output will be everything between the [ and ] braces.

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