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Is it possible to have DbContext in DAL in layered ASP.NET Core application?

For example, if I have 3 layers:

Data access layer -> Business Logic Layer -> Presentation Layer

is it possible to have a DbContext in the DAL considering I can't reference it from the presentation layer?

If yes, so how can I initialize using DB in Startup.cs if I won't able to see DbContext ?

        .AddDbContext<DbContext>(options =>

I've found such kind of solution of my problem(Considering guys helped me in comments) I have a static class with extension method for IServiceCollection

public static IServiceCollection RegisterRepositories(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
        services.AddScoped(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(BaseRepository<>));
        services.AddScoped(typeof(DbContext), typeof(NorthwindContext));
            .AddDbContext<NorthwindContext>(options =>

        return services;

I have approximately the same but for BLL

public static class ServiceCollectionsExtensions
    public static IServiceCollection RegisterBllServices(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
        services.AddScoped<IProductService, ProductService>();

        return services;

And in Presentation Layer in Startup.cs I have something like this


So now Presentation Layers doesn't know anything about DbContext and what ORM I'm using

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