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Repeating SQL queries

I am running same query for different values. Such as I am querying the table for aa, bb, cc, dd, ee ... Is there any way like as function and use parameters rather than duplication my codes 10 times only for one variable changes. I am pretty new, and don't know what to name of my solution. I do appreciate any ideas, or let me know if you need more details. I am using toad for oracle, and need oracle sql solution.


select * from table where value in ('aa','bb','cc','dd','ee')

You can use a cursor for the solution.

cursor c1(value1 varchar) is
select columns from tab1
where column1= value1;
l_columns varchar2;

OPEN c1(aa);
fetch c1 into l_columns ;
close c1;


IF need to function you can use below sample :

FUNCTION GET_values( Any arguments to that query)
        SELECT value
          INTO v_value
          FROM table
         WHERE condition;
    RETURN v_value;
END GET_values;

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