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vhdl-2008 resolve function for generic type

I am trying to make a component that uses a generic type. Inside this component I would like to be able to use functions that have previously been defined for these types. Consider the following example:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

package generic_type_pkg is
    function increment(x: unsigned) return unsigned;

    function increment(x: signed) return signed;

end package;

package body generic_type_pkg is
    function increment(x: unsigned) return unsigned is

        return x + 1;
    end function increment;

    function increment(x: signed) return signed is

        return x + 1;
    end function increment;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library common;
use common.generic_type_pkg.all;

entity generic_type is
        type        type_t
        clk         : in  std_logic;

        din         : in  type_t;
        dout        : out type_t

architecture rtl of generic_type is


        if rising_edge(clk) then
            dout <= increment(din);
        end if;
    end process;

I use the following code to instantiate this component:

i_generic_type: entity common.generic_type(rtl)
generic map(
    type_t => unsigned
port map(
    clk => clk,
    din => din,
    dout => dout

If I compile this with questasim I get the following error:

** Error: */generic_type.vhd(52): (vcom-1600) No feasible entries for subprogram "increment". Visible subprograms are: (explicit) generic_type_pkg.increment[UNSIGNED return UNSIGNED] at * /generic_type.vhd(6) (explicit) generic_type_pkg.increment[SIGNED return SIGNED] at ***/generic_type.vhd(8)

The book VHDL-2008 Just the new stuff states that I need to supply a generic function to the entity. By adding function increment ( x: type_t) return type_t to the generics I am able to resolve the compilation error. I am unhappy with this because this implies that I need to pass every function to I want to use to this component (for example increment, decrement, mult, shift, ...). This will quickly become unmaintainable.

Is there a way to have these generic functions be resolved when compiling the top level component?

You can do this. When you define the generic function, you can tell it to use the default visible function by using <>

generic (
  type t;
  function increment(x : t) return t is <>

Then when you assign type t, if you do not explicity assign the increment function, it will take the function that matches the signature.

I have done this to define a generic "match_x" function where any X value in an expected result match against anything in the actual result:

function match_X_generic generic ( type data_t;
                                   function to_string(d : data_t) return string is <> 
                         parameter( act, exp    : data_t )
                         return boolean;

function match_x      is new match_X_generic generic map (std_logic_vector);
function match_x      is new match_X_generic generic map (unsigned        );
function match_x      is new match_X_generic generic map (signed          );

Here, the to_string functions automatically come from the std_logic_1164 or numeric_std packages. I can provide hex versions, by connecting to to_hstring instead:

function match_x_hex  is new match_X_generic generic map (std_logic_vector, to_hstring);
function match_x_hex  is new match_X_generic generic map (unsigned        , to_hstring);
function match_x_hex  is new match_X_generic generic map (signed          , to_hstring);

So now, as long as a to_string function is defined and visible I can create this function for any custom type:

function match_x is new match_X_generic generic map ( data_t => axis_trans_t        );

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