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Firebase query to fetch data in given range

I have a node called quotes in Firebase. I'm facing issues while fetching data in Android for a particular range. I want to fetch 3 continues quotes id starting from 2. Here is my query database:

"quotes" : {
"-L75elQJaD3EYPsd4oWS" : {
  "authorName" : "Hellen v",
  "famousQuote" : "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.",
  "id" : "1",
  "uploadedBy" : "Admin"
"-L7GOvDNI-o_H8RvNwoN" : {
  "authorName" : "Rocky Balboa",
  "famousQuote" : "It's not about how hard you can hit; it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.",
  "id" : "2",
  "uploadedBy" : "Admin"
"-L7GP9oBv5NR1T6HlDd4" : {
  "authorName" : "African proverb",
  "famousQuote" : "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.",
  "id" : "3",
  "uploadedBy" : "Admin"
"-L7GPjM1F3_7Orcz0Q1q" : {
  "authorName" : "A.P.J Abdul Kalam",
  "famousQuote" : "Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.",
  "id" : "4",
  "uploadedBy" : "Admin"

Below is the rule which I'm using for quotes

"quotes": {
 ".indexOn": ".value"

How can I get quotes which has id 2,3 and 4?

If you have more than 4 records in your database, to solve this, you can use a query in which you should combine startAt() and endAt() methods to limit both ends of your query like this:

DatabaseReference rootRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
Query query = rootRef.child("quotes").orderByChild("id").startAt("2").endAt("4");
query.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(/* ... */);

Please see here more informations about Firebase Query's startAt() method:

Create a query constrained to only return child nodes with a value greater than or equal to the given value, using the given orderBy directive or priority as default.

And here are more informations about Firebase Query's endAt() method:

Create a query constrained to only return child nodes with a value less than or equal to the given value, using the given orderBy directive or priority as default.

Edit: According to your comment, if you only want the items that have the id property set to 2, 3 and 4, you should use nested queries like this:

Query queryTwo = rootRef.child("quotes").orderByChild("id").equalsTo("2");
    List<Item> list = new ArrayList();
    Query queryThree = rootRef.child("quotes").orderByChild("id").equalsTo("3");
        Query queryFour = rootRef.child("quotes").orderByChild("id").equalsTo("4");

            //Do what you need to do with the list that contains three items

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