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Does not render instagram, twitter and other embedded in angular

I am trying to show content from instagram, twitter and other libraries that allow embedding in sites. The problem that I have is that it only renders the embedded content the first time and then when I go back to the same content the embed is not rendered again. :(

This is an example of what happens to me: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-vcv94j (I add the library js in index.html)

I am located in test-1 the embedded content renders and when I go to test-2 the embedded content does not render

What solution could be given to this problem...? :S

Is there any way to trigger the events of the javascript libraries again?

If you're loading content dynamically (AJAX, for example), these embed services usually have a JavaScript API method that you need to call after inserting the contents into the page in order to render the posts.

Instagram, for example, have the window.instgrm.Embeds.process() , Facebook have FB.XFBML.parse(); .

You will find something similar for Twitter and other social media embeds.

You are including Instagram's embed.js which searches for certain elements in the DOM and replaces them by iframe elements which embed the post.

The script offers a global variable called instgrm which allows access to


which repeats that search. You may call this each time your component has rendered.

I have forked your example and modified it accordingly, following two different approaches:

  1. Calling a service from the components
  2. Using a directive for elements with a data-instgrm-permalink attribute

<script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>替换为<script async src="https://www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>并将此行代码移至index.html头部

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