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How do I clear a user control from a winform?

This is probably a basic question, but I can't find answers because the terms are generic.

I am building a WinForm aplication. Its purpose is to set up memory in a certain chip. I think the best way to organize the application is to have a user control for each chip type, derived from a generic parent class. Think of the children as "iphone," "android" and "blackberry," derived from a parent class "phone".

VS2017 Designer has a Panel where I want the control to be. On startup, I generate an object of the base class and add it to the panel. When I press a button, the old object is deleted and replaced with a new one. Each class has just one control, a label with distinctive text.

The problem is, after I press the button, I see both texts. The panel's Controls collection has just one element, but I see the text from both objects. I have tried Refresh, Update and Invalidate withe the same results.

What do I have to do to make the old text "go away" so the only thing I see is the latest object?

    private ChipMemBase ChipMemControl = new ChipMemBase();
    public Form1()
        //tbFeedback.Text = string.Format(fmtString, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
        cbChipName.SelectedIndex = 0;
        tbVersion.Text = Version;
        OriginalWindowColor = tbFeedback.BackColor;
    private void ShowChipMemControl()
        var ctl = pnlChipMem.GetChildAtPoint(new Point(5,5));
        if (null != ctl)
            if (ctl != ChipMemControl)
        if (null != ChipMemControl)
    private void btnMakeChipMemory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ChipMemControl = new ChipMemGen2();

Screenshots before and after clicking Create

Your ShowChipMemControl gets the control at point 5,5 and checks if it's a ChipMemControl then removes it.

I'm guessing that the reason it's not getting removed is that the control at point 5,5 is not a ChipMemControl.

You can use:


to remove all the controls


ChipMemControl cmc = pnlChipMem.Controls.OfType<ChipMemBase>().FirstOrDefault();
if (cmc != null)

To only remove the first instance of ChipMemBase on your pnlChipMem panel.

Got it. The problem was from inheritance, not window behavior. Control lblDefault in the base class, carrying the inconvenient text, was still present in the child class. I had to make it Public in the base class and remove it in the child class constructor:

        lblDefault = null;

The clue was this article and project: dynamically-and-remove-a-user-control

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