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Yargs help not displaying all the help options

I am using yargs to add command line options for the arguments passed to the script. When i issue the help command along with the script name, It does not display the help for add parameter.

const yargs=require('yargs');
 const argv= yargs.command('add', 'ADD A NOTE TO A FILE', {
    title : {
        describe : 'title of the file',
        demand: 'true'

root# node mainFile_node.js --help
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number

     node mainFile_node.js add
YARGS ARGV:-{ _: [ 'add' ], '$0': 'mainFile_node.js' }
const yargs = require("yargs");

  command: "add",
  describe: "Add new note",
  builder: {
    title: {
      // describe: 'note title',
      demandOption: true,
      type: "string"
  handler: function(argv) {
    console.log("My title: " + argv.title);


Then run in the command line:

node filename.js add --title="title name"

Try with below code

const yargs = require("yargs")
  command: 'add',
  describe: 'ADD A NOTE TO A FILE',
  handler: function(){
    console.log('Adding to a file')

Then execute with the below command

root# node mainFile_node.js --help
const yargs=require('yargs');
const argv= yargs.command('add', 'ADD A NOTE TO A FILE', {
    title : {
        describe : 'title of the file',
        demand: 'true'

u have to add the parse() method at the end. parse() will also execute the handler function if u are happen to use in the future.

or under the code


this method is useful if you did not write any code on your file but you are working on command line. let's say

node app.js add --title="somthing" --help

in order to see the help menu u have to type console.log(yargs.argv) on the file.

First check if node ./main.js --h is working?

Then, just run node ./app.js --help on a seperate js file and then it will start working on the previous file.

const chalk = require('chalk');
const yargs = require('yargs');

//Create add command
    describe:'Add a new note',
        console.log("add a new note");

//Create remove command
    describe:'Remove the note',
        console.log("Removing a note");

//Create list command
    describe:'List all the notes',
        console.log("List notes");

//Create read command
    describe:'read note',
        console.log("read a note");


Add yargs.parse() ; to the end of the file for yargs to use its pre-defined args such as --help, --version. 在此处输入图片说明

command: 'add',

showInHelp: true, //add this line here!!!

describe: 'add a note',
builder: {
    title: {
        describe: 'title of my note',
        demandOption: true,
        type: 'string',
    body: {
        describe: 'body note',
        demandOption: true,
        type: 'string',


handler: function (argv) {
    console.log(argv.title,'\n', argv.body, '\n creating the note', argv)

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