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how to update table from array multidimension with php

how can i update data from array multidimension in php, but its from key and value array like this :


how can i get result from array like this

UPDATE tablename SET data1='name',data2='age' WHERE 1;

i tried this but the result not like above

foreach($array1 as $arrays) {
    foreach($arrays as $key => $value){
        echo $key."="."'".$value."'".", ";


data1='name',data2='age', data1='name',data2='age'

i want result like this :


i hope can help me.

Because you only want to get content of first array, you should loop through first array only

foreach($array1[0] as $key => $value){
    echo $key."="."'".$value."'".", ";
// data1='name', data2='age', 

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