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Issue retrieving data from Firebase Database and saving data on unity

I am using the following code to retrieve data from Firebase database on a user with Unity3D, in our case i am getting User Level:

   .GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
       if (task.IsFaulted)
           Debug.LogError("Error retriving user data: " + userID);
         // Handle the error...
       else if (task.IsCompleted)
           DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;
           int TempUserLevel = (int)snapshot.Child("Level").Value; 
          //this get's an error 
           PlayerPrefs.SetInt(_UserLevel, TempUserLevel);



TrySetInt can only be called from the main thread. Constructors and field initializers will be executed from the loading thread when loading a scene.

As I understand the TASK is a new thread and not Unity Main thread. Still I can't seem save values locally on unity, or get the value out of the TASK.

It cannot be called because continue with is a delegate and it waits for response. What I did is just made a waituntil coroutine before calling this delegate using and set a bool for instance some bool check = false.

else if(task.IsCompleted)
     // your operation

IEnumerator myRoutine()
         yield return new WaitUntil ( () => check );
         // set your playerprefs.



You can change ContinueWith to ContinueWithOnMainThread, but you will need add "using Firebase.Extensions;"

using Firebase.Extensions;

  .GetValueAsync().ContinueWithOnMainThread(task => 
    if (task.IsFaulted) 
      // Handle the error...
    else if (task.IsCompleted) 
      DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;
      // Do something with snapshot...

See documentation for more examples: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/unity/retrieve-data

Potential Note: If you are following documentation for Google Sign in with Firebase and downloaded the Firebase SDK for Unity 2020, you may get an error regarding a conflict with System.Threading.Tasks (this happened to me). If anyone else gets this error, it can be dealt with by deleting or renaming the Unity.Compat and Unity.Tasks files under Unity > Assets > Parse > Plugins, but do not change or delete the files in the dotNet45 folder.

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