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Run async in parallel with only one callback

I have a question which might be silly. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm gettin 1 000 results from REST endpoint. However the results are tokenized and split into 100 element arrays. After I process 100 elements I need a callback to get next 100.

Below is my code for running through array

  async.eachSeries(body.hits.hits, function(hit, loopHit) {
      check_order(hit, loopHit);
  }, function done() {
      // get next array

The reason reason I do async here is because I need to know when I complete all 100 results (function done).

The result is - I need to run all 100 elements one by one (in check_order I connect to different REST point and wait for callback there), and I would like to run on all of them simultaneously, and once the last is completed I would like to get next array from first endpoint.

Any ideas?

Your callback is missing in the async:

  async.eachSeries(body.hits.hits, function(hit, loopHit) {
  }, function done() {
      // get next array

And also you are giving the callback loopHit in the checkHit function.

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