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PHP PDO query not inserting - Error HY093

After a lot of searching the web, the times I see this error, it looks really scenario specific. So far, I haven't found one that matched my scenario. I think my issue is coming from a prepared statement with spatial data type params.

The way I'm executing my code is:

$sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO states(`name`, `poly`) VALUES(':name',GeomFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(:coords)'));");
$res = $sql->execute(['name'=>$name, 'coords'=>$coords]);

    echo "... Successfully Inserted<br><br>";
    echo "... Failed<br><br>";
    echo "<br><br>";

The above is failing. The connection to the database has been tested. Since these are rather large geometry sets, instead of pasting my code, I'll show how I verified my SQL:

Dumping a raw SQL file and copy/pasting the SQL into a phpMyAdmin window, everything inserted just fine.

$sqlStr = "INSERT INTO states(`name`, `poly`) VALUES('$name',GeomFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION($coords)'));";
$check = file_put_contents('./states/'.$name.'2.sql', $sqlStr);

So it's because of this, that I believe my sql is correct, but it my problem is likely due to the prepare/execute portion somehow. I'm not sure if spatial data types can't be assigned like this?


I also want to note that I am on PHP version 5.5.9 and I've executed queries in the original method, with the params in the execute just fine.

There's no way the code at the end could be working. Parameters in the query must not be put inside quotes.

Since GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(:coords) has to be in a string, you need to use CONCAT() to create this string.

$sql = $conn->prepare("
    INSERT INTO states(`name`, `poly`) 
    VALUES(:name,GeomFromText(CONCAT('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(', :coords, ')')));");

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