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Mysql & PHP search table for records whose value is between two dates and other record values

I have a table similar to this:

id  | project_id  | dateValue    | textValue     | key
1   | 1           | 2018-10-25   | NULL          | closing_date
2   | 2           | 2018-10-26   | NULL          | listing_date
3   | 3           | 2018-10-27   | NULL          | closing_date
4   | 1           | NULL         | Pending       | contract_status
5   | 2           | NULL         | Active        | contract_status
6   | 3           | NULL         | Pending acc.  | contract_status

I cannot get this to return any results.. Any suggestions? I need it to return project_ids "1 & 3"

 SELECT     t.*
 FROM       Table t
 WHERE      ((t.dateValue BETWEEN '2018-10-24' AND '2018-10-27') AND        (t.key = 'contract_status' AND t.textValue IN ('Pending','Pending acc.'))
 GROUP BY   t.project_id

I've tried this variation as well:

 SELECT     t.*
 FROM       Table t
 WHERE      ((t.dateValue BETWEEN '2018-10-24' AND '2018-10-27') AND        (t.key IN ('contract_status', 'closing_date') AND t.textValue IN ('Pending','Pending acc.'))
 GROUP BY   t.project_id


Your DB schema is weird and goal is not clear.

Here is something you can use to understand why you are not getting any result:


SELECT     t.project_id,
 FROM      t
 WHERE (t.dateValue BETWEEN '2018-10-24' AND '2018-10-27'
 AND   (t.key = 'closing_date'))
 OR t.textValue IN ('Pending','Pending acc.')
 GROUP BY   t.project_id

But you should definitely redesign your DB and read more about relational databases.

Your main problem is your WHERE clause.

WHERE ((t.dateValue BETWEEN '2018-10-24' AND '2018-10-27') 
   AND (t.key = 'contract_status' 
   AND t.textValue IN ('Pending','Pending acc.'))

You use AND everywhere that means you want to find all records which has for example dateValue AND textValue - but in your raw data there is no such records at all. :-)

Since your dataset does not cover all the conditions in one single row. You may use conditional aggregation with Having clause:

SELECT t.project_id, 
       SUM(IF(t.dateValue BETWEEN '2018-10-24' 
                              AND '2018-10-27', 
              1, 0)) AS date_check, 
       SUM(IF(t.key = 'contract_status' AND 
              t.textValue IN ('Pending','Pending acc.'), 
              1, 0)) AS key_check   
FROM Table t
GROUP BY t.project_id 
HAVING date_check > 0 AND 
       key_check > 0  

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