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Why do I get an error when building Solution in VS2017

For a while now I've been getting the following OUTPUT window when building a solution:

1>------ Build started: Project: Scheduler, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>  Scheduler -> C:\Users\dubilm\source\repos\scheduler\Scheduler\bin\Scheduler.dll
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4811,5): error MSB3541: Files has invalid value "<<<<<<< HEAD". Illegal characters in path.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

I have tried Clean and Rebuild to no avail. The application works despite the reported error and updates have been deployed to production server with no issues. None of my other solutions/projects have any issues building.

The ERROR LIST window also lists the same error...

Severity          = Error
Code              =
Description       = Files has invalid value "<<<<<<< HEAD". Illegal characters in path.
Project           = Scheduler   
Path              = 
File              = 
Project Rank      = 1
Line              = 
Column            = 
Category          =
Source            = Build   
Suppression State = 

So no file indicated as the source of the error. The project is a web application .net vb MVC if this has any bearing.

Any suggestions of what else I can try to clear this error. Thanks

<<<<<<< HEAD 是您在尝试合并文件时得到的,它用于指示代码从哪里开始(旧的和新的),有时在合并时会发生一些问题(可能有很多不同的原因)并且您在代码中间遇到了这个问题,只需使用搜索功能(Ctrl + f)并搜索<<<<<<< HEAD(确保您在“在此解决方案中搜索”中有搜索选项") 你会看到它在哪里,如果周围没有重复的代码,你可以把它擦掉

I deleted the "bin" and "obj" folders and then cleaned the solution. It worked for me. Hope this will help.

Try unloading and reloading project. That worked for me.

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