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Remote deployment with pyCharm + Django + Raspberry pi

I'm developing web application on raspberry pi using Django. I set up django, virtual enviroment and server on raspberry pi. Now I want to write code in pyCharm and deploy it on remote machine(raspi). I've copied all folders (virtualenviroment also) to my pc. I'm wondering- how can I 'take' this virtual enviroment from raspberry to have also working on pyCharm? I've tired:

C:\MyPath\AquaControl>activate AquaControlEnv
Could not find conda environment: AquaControlEnv

and by using

conda info --envs

C:\MyPath\AquaControl>conda info --envs
# conda environments:
base                  *  C:\Users\Me\Anaconda3

Only this one from PC is discoverable. Or I can create local virtual enviroment and this will not cause any problems with deployment on remote?

In case anyone will face similar problem: After executing command from Klaus.DI had another problem => packages didn't want to install. My default python version on raspberry was 2.7 but in virtual enviroment I had python 3.5 and on pyCharm I was working with Django 2.1 which needed python 3.5. I changed default version and then packages installed successfully. My workflow is: do a code on pyCharm, upload on raspi and with putty and virtualenv I run server.

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