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How to Implement IDataErrorInfo within a WPF Page (A Partial Class)

It's my first experience with WPF. And I'm developing an Inventory Management System. My design model has single Window, in which a frame loads different Pages while clicking on different buttons. While adding a new Inventory into the Database, I want to ensure Data Validation. I choose IDataErrorInfo in this regard. I have to implement the interface but unable to implement just writing as public partial class AddInventoryPage : Page, IDataErrorInfo . This shows error. The signature of the class is as following

public partial class AddInventoryPage : Page

I also tried as under but unable to achieve the functionality. Even I put a breakpoint within IDataErrorInfor part but the control doesn't go there.

namespace IMS
    public partial class AddInventoryPage : IDataErrorInfo
    //code here
    public partial class AddInventoryPage : Page
    //code here

As My Inventory module is completed except Data Validation, and I'm working on the Sales module; it's not a solution to change my design model. Moreover, I'm not using any Design Pattern like MVVM. It's straight. Looking forward to a solution.

example with a validation against the property 'Name'

public class AddInventoryPage : IDataErrorInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }       

    public string Error => null;

    public string this[string columnName]
                case nameof(Name):
                    if (Name == string.Empty) return "Name can not be empty";

            return string.Empty;

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