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How do I fix wp super cache error message?

I am using wp super cache in WordPress. After months of using it, i tried deactivating. But after activating it again, i am prompted with the error below below:

WP-Cache Config Sample File See wp-cache.php for author details. */
$wp_cache_mobile_browsers = '2.0 MMP, 240x320, 400X240, AvantGo,
BlackBerry, Blazer, Cellphone, Danger, //Added by WP-Cache Manager ?>
Error: Your cache directory () did not exist and couldn't be created
by the web server. Check permissions.

I am currently using WP Super Cache Version 1.4.8

Do you know how can I fix this or do I just need to update to a recent version?

To fix WP Super Cache error message, follow the below points:

Step 1: Turn Off All Caching

Step 2: Deactivate and Delete the Plugin

Step 3: Remove Files From the Web Server

Step 4: Solve any .htaccess errors caused by WP Super Cache

Make sure that no WP Super Cache rules remain in your .htaccess file after you uninstall it by removing the Super Cache mod_rewrite rules from the file.

I hope it will help you to resolve issues which you faces

I was able to solve this problem by checking my wp-cache-config.php. Upon checking wp-cache-config.php, I saw that the contents became binary codes.

I was able to revert this by using the code that was saved from my localhost server.

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