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Same ID from sequence for 2 tables - JPA

I have 2 entities that use the same sequence as the primary key, how do I map? Example:

    public class Employe(){
          @SequenceGenerator(name = "generator_id", sequenceName = "seq_id") 
          @GeneratedValue(generator = "generator_id")
          @colunm(name = "id")
          private Integer id;

          @colunm(name = "nameEmp")
          private String name;

          @JoinColumn(name = "id")
          private Computer computer;

    public class Computer(){
          @SequenceGenerator(name = "generator_id", sequenceName = "seq_id") 
          @GeneratedValue(generator = "generator_id")
          @colunm(name = "id")
          private Integer id;

          private String nameComputer;

I need save employe and computer with same id, generated by Employe save.

There are three things to do with your code to work the way to want to.

  1. Add @OneToOne annotation to indicate that Employee and Computer are in relation.
  2. Delete information about @SequenceGenerator from your Computer entity and add @Id annotation
  3. Add @MapsId annotation. [More info]

So it would look something like this :

public class Employe(){
          private Integer id;

          @Colunm(name = "nameEmp")
          private String name;

          @JoinColumn(name = "computer_id")
          private Computer computer;


@OneToOne annotation indicates relation between entities.

@SequenceGenerator is redudant since we "copy" id from Computer entity.

@Id annotation is mandatory to indicate that this field is our primary key.

Last but not least, @MapsId annotation do the magic, where it 'borrows' id from relation.

More info in the link I attached earlier.

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