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Sort a list of names containing numbers by the numeric value

I would like to sort a list which includes a set such as;




1003.avi ....

I need to do some process using the files in numeric order. If I use sorted it does not care about the values, it sorts on the first character, second character, and so on - string sorting.

I tried to use [:-4] but I tried to do this on the list not the element of the list. Because it is late when I have the element. Is there any way?

Thanks in advance

You can use a custom sorting function to extract the number from each element of the list and use it as the comparison key. You'd need to convert it to int to ensure it compares like number:

>>> lst = ['100.avi', '10000.avi', '10002.avi', '1003.avi']
>>> sorted(lst, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.', 1)[0]))
['100.avi', '1003.avi', '10000.avi', '10002.avi']


sorted(lst, key=lambda x: int(x[:-4]))

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