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Concatenate a string with an array for recursively copy file in bash

I have a concatenation problem between a string and an array I want to copy all the files contained in the directories stored in the array, my command is in a loop (to recursively copy my files)

yes | cp -rf "./$WORK_DIR/${array[$i]}/"* $DEST_DIR

My array :

array=("My folder" "...") 

I have in my array several folder names (they have spaces in their names) that I would like append to my $WORK_DIR to make it possible to copy the files for cp . But I always have the following error

cp: impossible to evaluate './WORKDIR/my': No such files or folders
cp: impossible to evaluate 'folder/*': No such files or folders

This worked for me


arr=("My folder" "This is a test")

while [[ ${i} -lt ${#arr[@]} ]]; do
    echo ${arr[${i}]}
    cp -rfv ./source/"${arr[${i}]}"/* ./dest/.
    (( i++ ))

exit 0

I ran the script. It gave me the following output:

My folder
'./source/My folder/blah-folder' -> './dest/./blah-folder'
'./source/My folder/foo-folder' -> './dest/./foo-folder'
This is a test
'./source/This is a test/blah-this' -> './dest/./blah-this'
'./source/This is a test/foo-this' -> './dest/./foo-this'

Not sure of the exact difference, but hopefully this will help.

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